Sunday, November 20, 2016


•       My name is Alexis Harris and I am going to inform you on how VR is used to treat Fears and phobias, Studies have shown that this way of therapy is more effective than other methods that have been used.  Psychologist James Taylor developed "Graduated exposure therapy". which Gradually exposes patients to what they are afraid of during their therapy session.

•       A psychologist and a computer scientist published the first paper examining VR as therapy, finding that it successfully helped patients overcome a fear of heights. The next year, a pair of scientists published a paper on the successes of using it to cure fear of spiders

•       The way that the brain naturally responds to Virtual Reality is simple. Our brain is gullible and easy to fool.  So, when experiencing these identical ways to real-world experiences the VR developer fools your brain into thinking the VR space is real by knowing what tools your brain uses to construct reality.

•       “Virtual reality is a technology that could actually allow you to connect on a real human level, soul-to-soul, regardless of where you are in the world. “– Chris Milk “People who struggle with anxiety and depression can be excessively self-critical when things go wrong in their lives” – Chris Brewin

•       Virtual exposure still brings on physiological symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and sweating. Patients are taught new skills that help them to bring their bodies and minds back down from the anxiety, learning to create a new behavioral response to the situation that gradually replaces the fear

•       part of the treatment is getting people to relive their traumatic experience to help them process the negative feelings associated with it. With VR the individual is able to revisit painful memories but with a view to developing new forms of behavior that will challenge these and any other existing beliefs.

•       If you experience something you are afraid of in VR, and you manage to stay in that situation despite the discomfort, then you have most likely lowered the barriers for trying it in real life.

•       Exposure therapy, a form of cognitive behavioral therapy, involves subjecting patients to increasing amounts of things they fear, or otherwise hope to avoid. It is one of the great success stories of mental health, and it’s not just for phobias. Research on cases of intense fear and even traumatic brain injury shows that for several problems, the only way out is through.

•       In an American study, 23 patients were encouraged to gradually, and safely, approach a virtual spider. By the end, 83% of patients showed a significant improvement in how they dealt with spiders and they could even approach a real tarantula with minimal anxiety.

•       VR can also be used by sufferers PTSD. This is a condition which develops when a person has been placed under extreme stress or suffered a high level of trauma. A good example of this is a soldier who has experienced front line duty but other examples include an accident, physical assault, terrorism or the after effects of a major disaster.

•       It’s difficult to appreciate just how remarkable VR is until you’ve tried it. Although you know what you’re seeing isn’t real, your mind and body behave as if it were. It’s an extraordinary experience.

•       For the preliminary study, 15 adults with depression underwent three sessions of virtual reality therapy, which had previously been tested on healthy volunteers. In the virtual reality sessions, the patients wore a virtual reality headset which allowed them to see from the perspective of a life-size avatar.

•       To create the illusion that the avatar was their own body — an experience known in VR as “embodiment” — the patients could see the body moving in a mirror the exact same way that they were moving.

•       While embodied in an adult avatar, participants were trained to express compassion towards a distressed virtual child. As they talked to the child it appeared to stop crying and respond positively to the compassion.  Next, the patients were embodied in the child’s figure, and then listened to the avatar of their adult selves expressing compassion towards them

  • The lack of compassion is what can cause people to feel depressed. Encountering a child can make you automatically feel loved because of the way children make you feel. They constantly show affection and always smile and show there happiness.

•       This eight-minute scenario was repeated three times for a period of three weeks. Nine out of those 15 patients reported reduced depressive symptoms a month after the therapy was completed, with only four stating they experienced a clinically significant drop in severe depression.

•       Virtual reality means creating immersive, computer-generated environments that are so convincing users will react the same way they would in life.

•       One month after the therapy, the patients answered questions about their moods and mental health. Nine of the patients reported reduced depression symptoms, and four experienced a significant drop in the severity of their symptoms. Some of the patients said that they were less self-critical in real-life situations after undergoing the therapy. 

•       Experts say that receiving therapy in a virtual reality world, using a computer-generated image of yourself, reduces self-criticism and boosts self-compassion and feels of contentment.  

•       VR is becoming more widely available to the consumers and at a low cost, meaning that this method could be used as a way to reach a significant number of people who won’t admit that they are having problems or seek help

Monday, November 14, 2016

@alicebonasio. "Facing Your Fears with Virtual Reality." The Next Web RSS. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.
Durbin, Joe. "Patients Face Their Worst Fears In VR." UploadVR. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Nov. 2016. 
"Facing Your Fears with VR." Facing Your Fears with VR. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2016. "Facing Your Fears with Virtual Reality." - Tech News. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.
"Depression." VR Therapy and Counseling Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.
"Virtual Reality Therapy Could Be Used To Treat Depression ..." N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.
Donnelly, By Joe. "How VR Could Change the Way We Treat Depression - IGN." IGN. IGN, 2016. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.
MailOnline, Victoria Woollaston for. "Virtual Reality Can Significantly Reduce Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Just a Month by Turning Sufferers into Avatars." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 2016. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tips for shooting VR photos

Turn slowly so that the picture won't appear blurry.
Stay level with your shot.
Spread people out when taking a shot of people.
Shoot dark areas as well as light areas. 
Get a good environment for a clean shot, 

Make sure people are still so they won't get cut off. 

Facing Fears Through VR

Hundreds of therapist use VR to treat phobias. Studies have shown that VR has a more effective way of treating this than any other method. South African Psychologist James Taylor developed "Graduated exposure therapy". This Method Gradually exposes patients to what they are afraid of while getting therapy.

A psychologist and a computer scientist published the first paper examining VR as therapy, finding that it successfully helped patients overcome a fear of heights. The next year, a pair of scientists published a paper on the successes of using it to cure arachnophobia, or fear of spiders. Among their patients was a woman they dubbed “Ms. Muffet,” whose fear compelled her to duct-tape the doors and windows of her bedroom each night.

Exposure therapy, a form of cognitive behavioral therapy, involves subjecting patients to increasing amounts of things they fear, or otherwise hope to avoid. It is one of the great success stories of mental health, and it’s not just for phobias. Research on cases of intense fear and even traumatic brain injury shows that for a number of problems, the only way out is through.

Branding Yourself

In this article the author is discussing how to brand yourself. This allows you to differentiate yourself from others you may be competing for a job against. She says to define your overall aspirations. Defying your goals and then conducting research about it. To get to where you want to go you need to learn more about what others have done to get there. She also mentions that you should determine your brand attributes. Assessing your current state, thinking of how people see and doing what you can to change the way that they see you. By creating a game plan you develop a plan in which will allow you to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself.

Being Confident, hard working, aspiring.

S.W.O.T Analysis

Strengths: When I am told exactly what I need to improve on I work on it until I get it. I work hard to show that I am dedicated and that I want to be better at whatever it is I am pursuing.

Weaknesses: I am Disorganized at times. Sometimes I can be  a poor listener as well.

Opportunity: Graduate college with a high GPA and make a professional dance team while attending grad school.

Treat: Take a class on organization and time management.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


I think it is really cool that the players can get a feel for the way the pitcher pitches before meeting them. This takes sports to a new level.

I also thought this was interesting. Rather then seeing half of whats going on when a story is being told you are able to see the full scenery which allows you to fully experience whats going on.

 I love scary movies, so i would love to be able to watch one with VR. Just like the other article said you would be able to experience everything in the room rather than just what they want to show.

Monday, October 3, 2016

VR Photos

VR Photos

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Modern day memes are just for laughter. They often are used on social media and now on the iPhone. They are good for responding to people in a funny way. Normally people will take a popular picture and add a funny saying onto it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


In this photo I took a shot of stretching during Dance practice with phone vertical at an angle.

I took this photo from the back.

I stood over this flower vase and took this picture

another angle picture.

I turned the phone horizontal to capture this picture

I shot this with the phone vertical and zoomed in some.

I shot this at a lower level to get down to his level.

Same place different angles and poses.

Horizontal picture.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Pats Principle

Recognizing a pattern. Talk with each other.
Trial and error. Observing what is printed in magazines and books.

Incorporate places people and activities naturally.

shoot tight. keep empty space to a minimum.
not all shots need to be smiling.
using different angles. vertical/horizontal etc.
use different camera lenses, or shoot wide or telephoto.
ne away of light and how it affects the composition
rule of thirds.
take m0re than one shot. carry memory card and batteries.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Exploring With VR!

I had so much fun playing with the VR. It was amazing how the screen rotated in the direction you turned your head. My favorite one was the rollercoaster VR It gave you a real feel as if you were sitting on a roller coaster. The insidious VR was really cool as well. I felt like I was sitting in the house with her! Using the Within VR I got to watch a documentary that was filmed in New York and it made it seem as if I was right there with a crowd of people.

Monday, September 5, 2016

KeyBoard Cat

Keyboard cat was uploaded in 2007. It is a video of a cat who is playing the piano. The video was filmed in1984. after going viral the keyboard cat was featured on shows Such as Tosh.O.

The Evolution of Dance

The Evolution of Dance is a video posted in 2006 which consisted of 12 popular dance songs at the time. after 8 months the video had 70 million views. The Video now has 296,969,702 views. The guy in the video Judson Laipply is dancing to all of the songs being played. There are now 2 other evolutions of dance which consist of the same things just newer songs.

David at the Dentist

The video David at the Dentist was uploaded in 2008. A father recorded the reaction to anesthesia of his 7 year old son David. David had to have a tooth removed due to a hereditary condition. The father first uploaded the video to his Facebook first and then YouTube. Three days after up loading the video to YouTube it hit 3 million views. After going viral even TV shows like, The Cleveland Show, The annoying orange, and Good Luck Charlie begin to make comments referring to the video. Although this was 8 years ago people still upload videos after leaving the dentist just like David. #Limestonedigital

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Becoming Screen Literate Response

When you actually think about it, everything we do now is basically through some kind of screen. We  use Cell phones, computers, iPads, Cameras, ATMs, and Televisons on a daily basis. Technology has changed so much that everything is now Touch screen. It makes it easy to complete tasks. It's crazy that I didn't even realize how many screens I come in contact with until reading this. He also says that we are going to become video literate which I agree.. It was interesting to read about how much we are screen literate without noticing.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Its Unbelieveable to see much technology has grown over the years. It's kind of terrifying you can do anything on the Internet but it also is extremely cool.
This article is explaining that times have changed. A lot of older people have had to change things that they were used to because technology has changed so much. For example to find out information you would go find a book to read to learn more but now you can search on the Internet specifically what you want to know without having to read a whole book. This shows that things are being done differently and the title says that Google is making us dumb because it's easy for us to find what we need without the hassle.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Writing a letter isn't something i do on the regular. Every once in awhile I have written a letter to someone but on the daily I used text messaging or email. This is a faster way to connect with someone. Sending a simple text message to let someone know something is easier than writing a letter to them and having to wait for a response letter back. Text messaging and email both takes a few seconds to send and also takes a few seconds to get a reply. Other new media I use to connect with people is social media. If I do not have someones phone number or email I just simply find them on a social media account and where I
can send them a message on there. Just like text messaging and email they are able to respond quickly which makes everything so much easier.